Strategy #1: Recognition (not flattery)
According to a recent poll, 35% of employees say they haven’t received recognition in the past six months….
69% of employees said they would work harder if they were better appreciated.
Top tip: Recognition should focus on the process rather than dwell on results. Strategy #2: Who works for who?
A leaders job is to help their employees be successful.
Strategy #2: Leaders serve teams, managers command authority.
If an employee is not achieving, it is often the leader that is letting them down.
Servant leadership is a strong driver of higher employee engagement and retention.
Strategy #3: Connect to the bigger picture
Employees will achieve twice as much when they connected to an organisations purpose.
Leaders need to connect how individual employee tasks help achieve the organisations purpose. Easy as.
BONUS: Why building employee engagement is critical in 2021:
The sole purpose of what MyAdventure Group is to help boost employee engagement, team dynamics and unity in organisations across the globe ??. Get in contact with us to find out more.