“Had I not started climbing… I’m pretty confident I wouldn’t be here.”
Powerful words.
Every now and then content pops up on the internet that has a thought-provoking impact. This is one of those videos.
The outdoors has played a similar critical role in my life. When I was working full time as an accountant, I felt confused, listless and trapped. Bushwalking and climbing (.. and then the big expeditions) gave my life purpose again. It gave me something deeper to connect with. As i watched this video I kept saying “yes! yes! exactly!” as I really bonded with Stacy and what he was saying. When these feelings rear there ugly head from time-to-time (like they have been recently), its usually a good indication that I haven’t been spending enough time up a cliff, down a canyon or sleeping in a tent.
It is for this reason I founded MyAdventre Group. Ive experienced how powerful this connection with nature and the outdoors can be. My time in the outdoors has made my life infinitely more fulfilling and now seeing that same light “go on” is what it’s all about.
As a society we’re drifting further and further away from both nature and the essence of adventure (or in other words becoming more risk adverse). MyAdventure Group can’t force people to get outside, but my vision that by providing the conduit, people will come.
Join us today!